Not everyone has a dental rider included in their health insurance plans. Do you really need to invest in a dental insurance policy? We believe that this type of coverage provides benefits that make the expense worth every penny. Here are some of the reasons we think that you should secure a policy and put it to good use.
Patients With Dental Insurance Are More Likely to Come In for Routine Support
Even if your dental health appears to be excellent, there’s still the need to see a dentist three times a year. One is for a routine dental examination. The other two are for teeth cleanings. While some people choose to pay for those services out of pocket, there are dental insurance plans that cover most if not all of the cost.
Why does this matter? People who have insurance that covers the expense of basic dental care are more likely to call and schedule appointments. Those without insurance often find it easier to put off those appointments, especially if there doesn’t seem to be any problem.
Basic dental care is the foundation for making sure your teeth and gums remain healthy. We want to do what we can to ensure you keep your teeth for most of your life. Buy the insurance and come see us regularly.
It’s Easier to Budget for Dental Care
With dental insurance, it’s easier to budget for basic care and any dental work that you would like to have done. You already know the premium amount and any co-pays or deductibles that you need to cover. That advance knowledge makes it all the easier to set aside the necessary funds, then call us to schedule the dates. You come in, we do the work, and you don’t have to wonder how to pay for the treatment.
You Don’t Let a Minor Dental Issue Become a Major One
Without dental coverage, it’s easier to let what seems to be minor inconvenience progress into a major problem with the teeth or gums. At that point, it’s not a matter of having a simple procedure. You’ll need something that’s more comprehensive and likely more expensive. Insurance frees you to seek treatment early on and not worry about how to pay for whatever procedure you need. It also means you won’t need that costlier procedure later on.
Regular Dental Treatment Minimizes the Risk of Developing Other Health Issues
Did you know that your dental health is directly connected with your general health? Poor dental health can pave the way for cardiovascular problems, some forms of cancer, respiratory issues, and even dementia. While there are no guarantees that not seeing a dentist will lead to these health issues, why run the risk? Get insurance, see us regularly, and keep the risk of these and other health conditions lower.
No Question About Covering the Costs of Emergency Dental Care
Have you thought about what would happen if you are in an accident and need emergency dental care? What if you should fall at home, hit your mouth on a hard surface, and damage several teeth? You need immediate dental care. Many dental insurance plans include provisions for emergency care. That allows you to seek help from a well-educated dentist now and rest assured that the expense is partially or completely covered.
These are only some of the reasons why dental insurance is a smart move. Check with us and find out which plans we accept, then compare the benefits offered by each one. It won’t take long to find a plan that’s right for you.
Corporate Dental Chains vs. Independent Dentists
There are many options when it comes to choosing a dentist. Dr. Rob recently sat down to discuss the difference between corporate dental chains and